Published by NERO
ISBN: 978-88-97503-42-2
Format: 12 x 17 cm
Pages: 72
Language: Eng.
Edition of 500 copies
Year: 2014
Price: 50 lei
A gesture waves us on, answering our own wave is the name of the book curated by V4ULT and produced by NERO. The publication looks at interfaces in an expanded field. It proposes that interfaces can alter the way we observe and behave in our surroundings, and suggests ways to design more responsive environments. The publication explores interfaces in relation to spatial dimensions, both physical and digital.
Since the V4ULT curatorial platform is an interface in itself – a structure through which ideas, experiences, and matter constantly move back and forth between the viewer and the artworks – the book A gesture waves us on, answering our own wave zooms into scenarios where an entity interacts with its context and explores the blending together of subjects and objects.
V4ULT explores spatial boundaries by inhabiting different types of built construction and structures. Moving beyond physical, spatial limits and exploring fenced-in space as a node in a network, the exhibitions extend from an occupied space to the V4ULT website ( – another space where a set of boundaries arise.